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Fixando professionals pay a small fee to quote on your job. Out of respect for our professionals, please only submit a request if you are seriously considering hiring a pro.
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We try to find Data Entry Specialists in your area for you.
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Users only see the first 4 digits and the general town area, Example 4050, Cedofetia
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We need the phone to inform you about incoming quotes.
Is my phone number visible?
The name will show like Maria F.
Only PROs who quote can call you, up to a maximun of 5.
All other PROs see like this: 916XXXXXX.

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How do I request the Data Entry request?

Too easy. You will only have to answer the questions on this page. Then you will receive up to 5 proposals from Data Entry Specialists in 48h. Review the received Profiles and hire the Data Entry Specialist you think is most appropriate for this project.

Looking for prices Data Entry with urgency?

With us you have access to the average price of more than 1000 services . But the best is to ask a quote to the specialists of Data Entry registered on Fixando. .

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